TravelTravel - South Korea

Namdaemun Japchae Hotteok 남대문 야채호떡 – Popular Korean Street Snack in Seoul

Namdaemun Japchae Hotteok 남대문 야채호떡 is a famous hotteok kiosk situated at one end of Namdaemun Market.

Here, you find the popular Korean street snack, hotteok, which is a type of fried round pancake filled with various ingredients.

There is a snaking queue on a weekday morning and it took more than half an hour of queuing. The queue is organised. There are also umbrellas provided for customers to shield against the sun/rain.

The hotteok is fried on the spot and served hot.

Only three items are sold here – signature Vegetable/Japchae Hotteok KRW 2000, Sweet Hotteok KRW 2000 and Red Bean Hotteok KRW 2000.

The only savoury offering on the menu, the Vegetable Hotteok comes with an interesting filling – Japchae. There are actual sweet potato noodles, vegetables and shredded carrots inside.

The surface is brushed with a sweet and savoury sauce. The pancake is crisp on the exterior and chewy within. However, it can be a tad greasy.

It tasted alright, albeit oily.

12 Namdaemun-ro, Jung District, Seoul, South Korea

Tel: +82 10-8247-4868

Mon to Sat: 8:30AM-6:30PM

Closed on Sun

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