OmniMeat – Planted-based meat that tastes like real pork but ain’t pork!

Developed by food innovation company OmniFoods in 2018, all-purpose, plant-based OmniMeat is here to transform your meals with something that tastes like real pork but ain’t pork.
Followed by intensive R&D, the result of the OmniMeat is made up of plant-based proteins from peas, non-GMO soy, shiitake mushrooms and rice for complete protein. It has since been the talk of town and even restaurants in Singapore are incorporating OmniMeat into their menu.
It’s amazing that we have come this far to be able to create an almost pork-like dish without using actual pork.
The OmniMeat Minced patty and OmniMeat Strips make wonderful alternatives or add-ons to your home-cooked dishes. There are various ways to cook it, from steaming to deep-frying.
I tried pan-frying. Texture-wise, the strips are quite tender and has a slight bouncy bite to it.
The products can be found at Green Common and supermarkets such as Fairprice and Sheng Siong as well as online platforms like Shopee and RedMart.
Some benefits of the OmniMeat Strips include lower calories and fat percentages.

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