Yomie’s Rice x Yogurt and New Moon launch new Fruity Collagen Yogurt Drinks, available for a limited period

Yomie’s Rice x Yogurt and New Moon collaborate to launch three exclusive collagen yogurt drinks! Available for a limited time, these delicious and healthy drinks are infused with New Moon’s Inner Radiance Collagen Powder that is rich in vitamin C and helps to revitalise your skin and improve gut health. Each drink is also packed with purple rice and fruits blended together, further boosting its nutrition value.
Miss Berry Collagen Yogurt $7.20
Beauty Peach Collagen Yogurt $6.90
Mango Lychee Collagen Yogurt $6.90
New Moon Inner Radiance Collagen Powder $59 (15 Sachets x 6.4g)
From now till 9 November 2022, redeem a free collagen yogurt drink of your choice with a purchase of any New Moon Inner Radiance Collagen Series (Available at selected pharmacies (Guardian, Watsons, Unity), supermarkets (NTUC Fairprice, Cold Storage) and petrol station (Sinopec). While stocks last.
Also, look out for the lucky draw event at Yomie’s outlets where you can win prizes with a minimum purchase of the two collagen yogurt drinks.

Yomie’s Rice x Yogurt
Website: https://www.facebook.com/YomiesSG
New Moon
Website: https://www.newmoon.com.sg/
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