Subway Cookie Delivery – Best Soft, Chewy Cookies for your Mini Christmas Gathering

Subway’s cookies are one of my favourite cookie brand, besides Famous Amos’. While the latter exhibits a crunchy texture, Subway’s version is on the softer side and chewier.
In my opinion, both are great cookies and I would gladly snack on them at any time of the day.
What I like about Subway’s cookies is that the size is just nice as a mini snack and you can easily get it at over a dollar. Moreover, the chocolate-flavoured ones are usually rich in gooey chocolate chips which makes them even more satisfying.
Did you know that you can order the cookies in bulk too? Available on their delivery site, the Cookie Platter $39 comes with 36 assorted cookies, including flavours like Double Chocolate Chip, White Chocolate Macadamia Nut and Raspberry Cheesecake! Single piece and 3/6/12-piece cookie sets are also available for orders too!
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